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Steel Family Medicine

Family Medicine located in Pleasant View, TN

How you feel about yourself plays a surprisingly prominent role in your health, so if you’re full of confidence and positivity, it can be a real boost to your well-being. Shannah Steel, DO, of Steel Family Medicine in Pleasant View, Tennessee, is an outstanding family physician who appreciates the importance of aesthetics to her patients, and provides a range of aesthetic treatments using the advanced Icon™ laser platform. Call Steel Family Medicine today to find out what Icon can do for you, or book an appointment online.

Icon Q & A

What is Icon?

The Icon aesthetic platform is a state-of-the-art technological marvel that can carry out multiple aesthetic procedures from one station. Rather than having to use a separate piece of equipment for each type of treatment, Dr. Steel and the team at Steel Family Medicine can use Icon to do them all.

What procedures can Icon carry out?

The Icon laser can treat and do the following.

Spider veins

The Icon laser destroys the blood vessels that cause spider veins, so your body has to direct blood through healthier vessels. The spider veins disappear as your body reabsorbs them.

Skin pigmentation

Sunspots and other brown marks on your skin contribute to premature aging, but Icon helps reduce the appearance of unwanted pigmentation by breaking down the brown spots and promoting new tissue growth.


Scars caused by acne or surgical procedures can be unsightly, especially when they’re clearly visible. Icon’s laser energy breaks down scar tissue and triggers your body’s natural healing response, leading to the growth of new skin with less visible scarring.

Stretch marks

The fine lines known as stretch marks develop when your skin can’t keep up with the rate at which your body is growing, so it stretches too far. This often happens during pregnancy, or if you gain weight quickly. The laser energy breaks down the affected skin and encourages new, stronger skin growth.

Wrinkles and fine lines

Icon has an intense pulsed light feature that stimulates your body into producing new collagen and elastin fibers. These fibers restore the skin’s tautness and plump up underlying tissues to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Unwanted hair (permanent hair removal)

If you’re fed up with waxing or shaving unwanted hair, Icon can get rid of it permanently. The laser energy destroys the pigment in the hair follicle, so new hairs can’t grow.

Skin rejuvenation

If your complexion is looking dull and tired, fractional laser resurfacing removes the old layer of skin to reveal new, fresh skin and give you back a youthful glow.

What does treatment with Icon involve?

Icon treatments at Steel Family Medicine are fast, so you can fit a session into your lunch break with ease. Icon is also painless, so you won’t need to take time off afterward. You may feel warmth or tingling on your skin, but little more.

Depending on which treatment you’re having you may need more than one Icon session; for example, it can take multiple laser treatments to achieve permanent hair loss.

For a simple solution to common aesthetic concerns, call Steel Family Medicine today, or book an appointment online to discover how Icon can help.